When You Literally Can't Even - Pandemic Support So You Can Keep Going
Life was already complicated enough before everything got turned upside down by COVID-19. It can feel like nothing makes sense anymore. Like we're living in a crazy, endless loop of work, home school and masking up to get groceries. You may have thought politics were a hot button topic, but with COVID-19 it feels like EVERYONE has something to say about how you are living your life, raising your children and dealing with work.
While in the midst of a global pandemic, we may have lost friends and family from the disease of opinionitis! It might be easy to click unfollow, but it is much harder to turn off our interior monologue. That one just doesn't seem to have a mute button anymore.
When helpers are overburdened, our world can feel turned upside-down. What used to bring us joy, can feel like a chore. The world used to seem like a basically safe place now feels inherently dark and dangerous.
You might believe that nothing can change - it's game over. Let us help you feel supported through these difficult times. We know that now might seem like the worst possible time to spend time and resources on yourself, however there’s no time like the present to get started in healing. Support means taking time to get connected with ourselves again while we are helped by others. At Berger Counseling Services, we are offering reduced rate support sessions for those affected by COVID-19, our First Responders, Health Care Professionals, Mental Health Professionals and Teachers.
We are calling this initiative Help For Helpers Support Services. Each sessions focuses on creating an opportunity for connection and healing by engaging with our horses, art or outdoor areas. We have earmarked 100 openings Help For Helpers Support Services for those COVID-19 affected in our community.
Berger Counseling Services has been serving the Parkland community since 2009. To learn more and schedule your reduced rate session, contact us at 561-866-3056 or www.BergerCounselingServices.com. #BergerCounselingServices